Deep Sync One: Customer Segmentation with Enhanced Onboarding User Guide

Add greater focus to your digital campaigns by creating customer segments prior to onboarding your first-party data.

Introducing Customer Segmentation with Enhanced Onboarding

Achieve your audience targeting goals with Customer Segmentation from Deep Sync. Through the application of Deep Sync’s robust demographic and interest data attributes to your first-party data, you can create individual customer segments that power highly-relevant digital messaging.

Customer Segmentation is paired with Enhanced Onboarding, Deep Sync’s alternative solution for first-party onboarding to Meta, TikTok, Google Ads, Google DV360, and The Trade Desk. Enhanced Onboarding ingests your customer data and enhances it with online and offline identifiers from Deep Sync’s robust identity graph to maximize your match rates. Once a consumer record has been identified and enhanced, the data can be delivered to your destination of choice within 24 hours.

Get started with Customer Segmentation in three simple steps:

  1. Upload your formatted first-party data into Deep Sync One
  2. Use the Audience Builder to create your custom segments
  3. Enable your destination and proceed to checkout

Please note that a minimum of 5,000 records is required for Enhanced Onboarding. We recommend beginning with at least 100,000 customer records so that you can create segments and retain enough data to complete onboarding successfully.

For more detail on Enhanced Onboarding, view our full user guides.

How Customer Segmentation with Enhanced Onboarding Works 

New to Deep Sync One? If so, register for your Deep Sync One account by visiting Deep Sync One. Select “Get Started” on the login screen, then enter your email address and password. You’ll be prompted to add a credit card and select a destination. Both entries are optional at this stage; however, a credit card is required for billing purposes before Enhanced Onboarding can begin.

There are two ways to begin the Customer Segmentation with Enhanced Onboarding workflow; both paths are outlined below. 

Initiate the  Customer Segmentation Process with a New File

  • Log into Deep Sync One and select “My Audiences” from the left-hand navigation panel
  • Click the “Upload Your File” button displayed in the middle of the screen; the “Upload Your File” modal window displays
  • Navigate to your file using the “Select File” option, drag and drop your file of choice into the modal window, or securely transfer your file from HubSpot or Shopify
  • Confirm whether or not your file contains a header row and the field delimiter, and click “Continue” to proceed
  • Map the fields within your file to the identifiers supported by Enhanced Onboarding, and click “Continue” to proceed

Please note that some columns on your file may not map to Enhanced Onboarding identifiers. In these cases, use the “Not Mapped” option.

Initiate the Customer Segmentation Process with a Previously Uploaded File

  • Log into Deep Sync One and select “My Audiences” from the left-hand navigation panel
  • Hover over the desired file listing, and click the menu option on the right-hand side
  • Select “Create Segment” from the modal window; the Audience Builder displays

Begin Customer Segmentation by Adding Attributes

  • Confirm that the correct customer file is noted in the middle of the screen; this file serves as the foundation of your customer segment
  • Name your audience by placing your cursor in the “Untitled Audience” field in the upper right-hand corner of the screen; edit existing names by clicking the “Pencil” icon
  • Add a demographic or geographic attribute to begin building your custom segment; attributes can be added by entering a keyword or phrase in the “Search in Demographics” field, the "Search in Geography" field, or by browsing the attribute categories on the left-hand side of the screen
    • To use the attribute search, enter your search term in the “Search In” field and the available results will appear along with the associated category; toggle back-and-forth between Demographics and Geography by clicking the associated tab
    • To use the categories, click the caret displayed by the desired category to expand the available options and scroll for the desired attribute
    • In both cases, click “Add” to continue

Layering demographic and/or geographic attributes on top of your file effectively creates a filter that identifies which of your records match those criteria and enables the creation of your custom segment. You can create and onboard as many custom segments as you need for your campaigns.

  • The attribute is added to the Audience Builder; where applicable, select the desired “Operator” and/or enter the desired “Value”
    • For example, the demographic attribute Income requires the use of an Operator and a Value; in this instance, available Operators include Greater Than, Less Than, and Between
    • To identify consumers with an income of $100,000 - $200,000, choose the Operator “Between” and enter the values of “100000” and “200000” in the “Value” fields
  • In some cases, the “Set Filter Value” window appears; where applicable, search for the desired value or use the provided checkboxes or to/from values and click “Add Filter” to proceed
    • For example, the demographic attribute State uses the Set Filter Value window; search for the desired geography by entering the State name into the “Search for Attribute Values” field or manually search for the desired State(s)
  • Repeat these steps as needed until all attributes are included in the Audience Builder
  • View the estimated audience size in the lower left-hand corner of the screen

5,000 records are required for Enhanced Onboarding. In the event that your audience size is below 5,000 records, consider removing some of the attributes to increase the overall size of your custom segment. An attribute can be removed by accessing the menu icon within the individual attribute. You also have the option to start over by clicking the “Reset” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. The reset process will remove all attributes that have been added in the segmentation process.

Begin the Enhanced Onboarding Process

A summary of the Enhanced Onboarding Process is highlighted below. For complete details that include managing onboarding files, please reference our user guides.

  • Click the “Onboard Audience” button in the lower right-hand corner of screen; the “Select a Source File” modal window displays
  • Confirm that your segment is listed in the “Source” field, or use the picklist to select your desired segment
  • Select to enhance your file at the Individual or Household level; this option enabled you to control the precision of Enhanced Onboarding
    • Individual-level matching is more precise, appending identifiers only for the identified person
    • Household-level matching extends your reach to other members of the household, ultimately increasing your overall match rates
  • Click “Continue” to proceed; the “Onboard Audience” modal window displays
  • Select the desired destination(s) from the list of connected ad accounts by clicking the corresponding radio button, or use the “Add Destination” button to select the desired destination and enter the required account details; click “Add Destination” to continue
  • Click “Continue” to proceed; review the summary of your Enhanced Onboarding order and click “Onboard Audience” to proceed
    • You can review Deep Sync One’s Enhanced Onboarding pricing structure by clicking the “How Our Pricing Works” link
  • Navigate to the My Audiences “Enhanced Onboarding” page to view your onboarded audience and see its status; onboarded audiences are delivered to your ad account within 24 hours

Supported File Formats 

For added flexibility, Deep Sync One supports a variety of file extensions and delimiters. Please note that file formats, delimiters, and field mapping are related to files manually uploaded into Deep Sync One, not those that are imported via data integration, including HubSpot and Shopify.

Supported File Extensions

  • .csv
  • .txt

Supported Field Delimiters

  • Comma
  • Pipe
  • Semicolon
  • Tab

Excel file formats (.xlsx or .xls) and Google Sheets are not supported in the Deep Sync One platform. To export an Excel file into one of our accepted formats, take the following steps:

  • Open the Excel file, go to “File” and select “Save As”
  • Click “Browse” and in the Save As dialog box, choose the “CSV (Comma Delimited)” or “TXT (Tab Delimited)” option and proceed to save your file

To export Google Sheets into one of our accepted formats, take the following steps:

  • Open the Google Sheet file and click on the tab you want to save as a CSV
  • Go to “File” and hover over “Download” to see the list of available options; select “Comma Separated Values (.csv)” and proceed to save your file

Customer Segmentation with Enhanced Onboarding Pricing

For more information on our Enhanced Onboarding pricing structure and billing cadence, please log into the platform.


As always, if you have any questions regarding Customer Segmentation, Enhanced Onboarding, or the Deep Sync One platform, please contact a member of our team by emailing