Deep Sync One: Identifiers and Field Requirements

Reference the following identifiers and field requirements when preparing your file for Customer Insights or Enhanced Onboarding in Deep Sync One

Matching to Identifiers and Field Requirements

To perform our match, Customer Insights and Enhanced Onboarding require an Email Address, which can be hashed, a Telephone Number*, or a combination of First Name, Last Name, and ZIP Code at a minimum. A variety of additional columns can be included in your upload file and will be utilized in support of matching accuracy if included. While not required, we do recommend including a header row on your file.

*Files where only telephone numbers are present may experience a lower overall match rate when compared to files with multiple identifiers present.


Accepted Columns:


Email Address

Up to three Email Addresses can be included in separate columns; only one Email Address is permitted per cell.

First Name

First Names and first name initials can be formatted with or without accents, hyphens, and/or periods. 

Last Name

Last Names can be formatted with or without accents and/or hyphens.

Full Name

While Full Names are accepted, parsed name columns are preferred.

Phone Number

Up to three Phone Numbers can be included in separate columns; only one Phone Number is permitted per cell. Phone Numbers must include an area code and can be formatted with or without hyphens (for example, 234-567-8910 or 2345678910).

Address Line 1

While full Addresses are accepted, parsed address (Address Line 1 and Address Line 2) columns are preferred.

Address Line 2

This is an optional field.


City names are accepted in their standard format.


Both State codes and full State names are accepted.

ZIP Code

Both 5-digit ZIP Code and 9-digit ZIP Code formatting is accepted. 9-digit ZIP codes must include a hyphen between the 5-digit ZIP code and 4-digit extension (for example, 98052-0576).

Full Address

While Full Addresses (Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, and ZIP Code) are accepted, parsed address columns are preferred.

Mobile Device ID

MAID, AAID, and IDFA Device IDs are accepted.

Hashed Email Address

SHA256 hashed Email Addresses are accepted.

Supported File Formats 

For added flexibility, Deep Sync One supports a variety of file extensions and delimiters.

Supported File Extensions

  • .csv
  • .txt

Supported Field Delimiters

  • Comma
  • Pipe
  • Semicolon
  • Tab


Excel file formats (.xlsx or .xls) and Google Sheets are not supported in the Deep Sync One platform. To export an Excel file into one of our accepted formats, take the following steps:

  • Open the Excel file, go to “File” and select “Save As”
  • Click “Browse” and in the Save As dialog box, choose the “CSV (Comma Delimited)” or “TXT (Tab Delimited)” option and proceed to save your file


To export Google Sheets into one of our accepted formats, take the following steps:

  • Open the Google Sheet file and click on the tab you want to save as a CSV
  • Go to “File” and hover over “Download” to see the list of available options; select “Comma Separated Values (.csv)” and proceed to save your file


As always, if you have any questions regarding the preparation and uploading of your file for Customer Insights or Enhanced Onboarding, please contact a member of our team by emailing